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Revision of Deeds Office Schedule of Fees

In Government Notice R241, dated 2 April 2013, Government Gazette No. 36306, the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (the Deeds Office) published an amendment to the Deeds Registries Act (47/1937) giving effect to a revision of the Schedule of Fees of Office as prescribed by regulation 84.

In other words, the Deeds Office has increased the price of (amongst other things) Deeds Office searches and the provision of electronic copies of documents. This price increase will take effect from 2 May 2013.

The amount of the increase is not insubstantial, in that online searches (Property, Person, Document, DOTS and Transfers) have been increased by R2.00 per search and document copies by R20.00 per document, but this should be viewed in the context of this being the first such increase for four years.

By necessity, we must pass this cost on to our customers. This will cause an adjustment in our Deeds Office search, transfers and document prices, which will increase by (and only by) the prescribed Deeds Office amount. Other searches, such as Spider, WinDeed Property Report and Automated Document Tracking prices will also be affected.

Please view the updated price list at www.windeed.co.za/pricing/all from 1 May 2013.