Our customers make a Director Search to get a complete list of an individual’s company directorships. A simple data capture error on a name or ID number at CIPC could cause you to miss some of the individual’s company associations.
Other search offerings will provide you with information on the details of the individual you searched on. Lexis WinDeed will not only provide you with the information on your search subject, but will also inform you of other variations of the individual that are registered on the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission’s database – known as other possible matches – at no extra cost.
Knowing about these other possible matches are important, as you may be missing key directorship information resulting in an incomplete picture of the individual’s directorship profile.
When you submit your input criteria, Lexis WinDeed will return a list of individuals that match in addition to other possible matches. You have the option to search on some or all of the variations supplied and you will conveniently receive a consolidated report for the selected matches.
Have peace of mind that when you perform Director and Company searches with Lexis WinDeed, you will receive the most complete picture possible!