Circular 04 from the National Credit Regulator regarding Consumer Profiles Checks for Employment Purposes
LexisNexis Risk Management is a registered credit bureau.
LexisNexis Risk Management (1990/004046/07) is a registered credit bureau (NCRCB26).
Deeds Office: Cape Town/King William’s Town Boundary Change
The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform issued a Circular to change the jurisdiction of the Cape Town and King William's Town Deeds Offices effective 4 December 2017.
Deeds Office: Cape Town/Kimberley Boundary Changes
The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform issued a Circular to change the jurisdiction of the Cape Town and Kimberley Deeds Offices effective 1 March 2017.
Competition Time – Win with WinDeed’s unique searches and functionality
From 3 October – 4 October 2016, you can win with WinDeed by answering a weekly question about unique searches and/or features only available from WinDeed.
We’ve joined LexisNexis
Find out more about the acquisition of WinDeed’s holding company, Korbitec by LexisNexis.
New Functionality | Area Measurement Tool
The Area Measurement Tool is a free and useful tool to measure any area on a map. Find out more...
It’s competition time with WinDeed
From 27 July until 28 August, you can win with WinDeed by answering a simple weekly question about the WinDeed Director and Company Searches. There are some great prizes that you could win. Find out more now...