The Experian Business Profile is a review of an organisation’s financial picture with a a business credit report. Credit checking a company allows you to make informed choices about who is most financially responsible to work with and the appropriate terms of doing business with them. The search result will also assist in setting payment terms that suit you and make sure you’re always paid on time by customers who can afford your services now and in the future.
A search can be performed by supplying the input of a company registration number, KIM Number or an ID Number of a Sole Proprietor.
An Experian Business Profile search result includes the following information (when available by Experian):
Company Details
Provides business identification and company registration details on the company you searched on; including the status, registration date and the operation of the business.
Report Summary
This section is an overview of the company’s general health. If it applies, it will provide the Score and Risk band Information assisting in assessing a credit profile, indicating how much of a risk it may be doing business with the subject searched on.
Business Information
Provides a brief view of the company’s operational function and details on the staff and vehicles. The search also identifies the industry of the business, adding to information which can be used when making risk assessments.
Director Details
The directors of the company are key company contacts who are representative of the company’s portfolio. The section provides an in-depth view of the directors, including previous business interests. If applicable, any current Judgment lodged against the director is noted.
Businesses that have 50% or more ownership by the search subject will be included (only applies if the organisation is a holding company).
Premises Details
Property ownership by a company is a key aspect of a business profile. The search result displays premises details such as property and bonds registered to the subject and to subsidiaries/ associates where applicable.
Financial Details
Provides projective data on the financial health of the business, taking into account internal or historical data and external market factors. This information gives possible indicators if the company may or may not be in financial distress.
Trade References
Understanding the details associated with payment experience is a smart way to analyse past payment habits on trade accounts. Important balances are provided, including total trade and collection balances and historical information (eg high credit and six month average balance).
Enquiry History
Identify whether the business is actively seeking credit based on the volume of monthly enquiries in the recent past.
Ledger Information
Credit risk is a growing challenge for businesses of all sizes, with many organisations citing bad debt as one of the most serious issues they face today. Business is becoming increasingly aware that their financial health is only as secure as that of their customers and that unresolved credit issues within their customer base can leave them dangerously exposed.
For detailed information on this search and interpreting the result, download the Experian Business Profile Guide.
Experian Business Profile is a credit bureau search, requiring WinCredit activation to make searches.
LexisNexis Risk Management (1990/004046/07) is a registered credit bureau (NCRCB26).