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Lexis WinDeed Login and Password Functionality

How to log in using your username and company details

Login by email address is the default login method. To log in with username and password, select “Log in by username” on the login screen. You will then be prompted to supply a username, password and company number.

Please note:
Users sharing email addresses will not be able to log in using their email address. You have to login by Username.

How to change your password using the “Forgot My Password” functionality

Click on the ‘I forgot my password’ link at the Lexis WinDeed Search login page:

Enter the email address and correct security text, followed by clicking on the “Submit” button.

The following messages will appear depending on whether the user entered the correct CAPTCHA text or email address:

Password reset messages

When successful, an email will be sent with a link to continue with the changing password process.  Click on the link provided – this will take you to the ‘Change Your WinDeed Password’ section.

Change Your Password Email

The Change Your Password page will prompt you for a new password. Confirm the password entered and submit the new password by clicking on “Submit”. Once the details are validated (same password in both fields), the new password will be activated. The user will be taken to the login screen.

Please note:
The password needs to be a minimum of 1 character long and match in both fields – we recommend selecting a ‘strong’ password (seven characters or longer with uppercase and lowercase letters, a number and a special character, e.g. ‘$’).

Change Password Page

For questions, please contact the Customer Service Centre at 0861 WINDEED.